White mother, white father, black baby

Posted by Ria, 07 Sep

A white couple Dana and Hugh Clarke are shocked when Dana gives birth to a baby with African-American features. How do you explain this one? Is this even genetically possible for a white couple to have a black child naturally as Barbara Delinsky, author of ‘Family Tree’ puts it?

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So what would you do if this happened to you? Send your spouse packing or try to explore the genetic side of the story? And how do you even begin to convince your family and friends?

Well you gotta admit that this is one thought provoking book.

302 responses to "White mother, white father, black baby"

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  1. Posted: 30 Aug 22

    Perfectly possible. Could be a throwback 3,4 or more generations.

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  2.   Pleaser44 says:
    Posted: 04 Jul 22

    Hmm is she being honest...Did he know her every whereabouts..Someone has to come clean

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  3.   Oonee says:
    Posted: 20 Aug 21

    Genes are funny things. You don't know when they will show up. They will come out for sure!! I got freckles all over . They are all over my face. I didn't get them from my African side for sure.

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  4.   Solito1 says:
    Posted: 08 Apr 21

    It was in what they believe they probably both got obsess some time in the way with having a black baby or even by thinking having a black baby and guess what they had a black baby they wishes came true... All I got to say is congratulations and may God bless you guys...

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  5.   BrownPython says:
    Posted: 07 Dec 17

    It seems like the people here are in need of education on when a person is considered white. A white person is someone who can travel to any of the European countries and blend in completely as white, and will not stick out like a mixed-race sore thumb. Even the lightest biracial people are clearly identifiable in Europe as mixed. All it takes is slight brownness, nappy or coiled hair, thicker lips etc. The lighter skin tone is not going to make you blend into Europe any more than a sold black Nigerian. That is why even 1/4 black mixed children are considered black - because they don't look fully white and cannot blend into Europe.

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  6.   TudorRose09 says:
    Posted: 06 Aug 17

    Sounds like she needs to come clean, no way in hell this can happen.

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  7.   whiteboi32 says:
    Posted: 02 Aug 17

    i am a white man and to be honest i think it would be super cool if i was married to a white woman who would get pregnant with a black baby ❤️

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  8.   enny4all says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 17

    Black couple can never birthed white child as life is concern..

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    • 73Danny says:
      Posted: 27 Dec 17

      i disagree. The black Race can birth any Race on Earth. Take the Story of Jacob and esau in the Bible. Google and you will find a lot on this Topic

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  9.   enny4all says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 17

    The question goes to the wife....how come, that is a mystery, can a black couple birthed child...impossible! Except surrogating or adoption.

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  10.   zeddic says:
    Posted: 26 Sep 16

    maybe it's the wish from God because when we take science out and go to the religious side for me it can happen

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  11.   shelly1227 says:
    Posted: 17 Sep 16

    think she was messing around lol

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  12.   jimbrowski says:
    Posted: 28 Aug 16

    SIGH…white people CAN NOT make an African child. This is 100% balderdash.

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    • DreaRod says:
      Posted: 03 Oct 16

      Genetics are genetics, you can't choose what came before you.

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      • enny4all says:
        Posted: 03 Jul 17

        ...something is wrong somewhere,,can black couple birthed a white,,,as nature is concern it can never happened till Christ comes.

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  13.   bikerdude says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 16

    kalashaayah wow are you racist you sound like a BLM activist what is a woman like you doing on this site

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  14.   kalashaayah says:
    Posted: 06 Jul 16

    this video is such lies filled with complete lies smh white people have recessive genes the only way a white woman can have anything close to a black baby is by race mixing but black people can have white babies alll day long we can have white babies with blue eyes and stringy hair alllll day long cause we are the DOMINATE GENE we are gods true creation and all else is carbon copies of us

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    • Suckittwice says:
      Posted: 10 Jul 16

      Dominant in violence, public disturbance, etc... Yes, the dominate race on all things bad. It's like dirty water. Mix it with clean water and you get dirty water. Same concept as the black race.

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      • enny4all says:
        Posted: 03 Jul 17

        You going too far.....we both beautifully n wonderfully created...am sure kalaashayah is been casual in her/his comment.

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      • LadyPhyter says:
        Posted: 11 Aug 19

        You are so wrong there is bad and evil in every race. If you research the history every human came from a black woman that is why black women have the dominante gene

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    • Sb__ says:
      Posted: 03 Dec 16

      Wow what a racist comment to believe that black is the dominant gene and gods true creation, had a white person said the same it would be blasted as racism - it works both ways.

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  15.   kalashaayah says:
    Posted: 06 Jul 16

    we know this is a bold face lie white people cant make black people period i remember this story and the white woman CHEATED on her husband with a black man and lied and said it was her white husband's baby they took a DNA test as if everyone did not know she was a liar and cheater and hoe ijs only black people can make white people cause black people are the originals to planet earth

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    • enny4all says:
      Posted: 03 Jul 17

      Impossible ! No black or white couple can birthed interraciallly.

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  16.   LushPeony says:
    Posted: 12 May 16

    Throw back plain and simple

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  17.   luvgluve says:
    Posted: 05 Feb 16

    Theres genetically proven a chance if you had a black grand parent, that the child could come out with featutes like this.. Doesn't mattet though GOD put this child here because HE loves it

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    • enny4all says:
      Posted: 03 Jul 17

      You making sense,,in this aspect, I'm sure the child will only look alike not completely white child from black couple....let be blunt Luvgluve

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  18.   PiDiICE says:
    Posted: 16 Oct 15

    That's why GOD made DNA testing!

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    • Gypsy22015 says:
      Posted: 27 Jan 16

      It is in the DNA you know. DNA testing needed. FROM years back if you understand what I mean-- yes that is what I mean..... it is in the DNA. and it might be showing up again..The couple has a healthy, pretty green eyed looking baby.. That is good. My two kids are mixed . Black mommy me- and a white fine daddy. I am proud.

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  19.   Mosiah7 says:
    Posted: 13 Aug 15

    Sounds like DeMarcus put it down while Hugh wasn't around. But that's none of my business (in my best Kermit sipping tea voice)....

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    • dofire says:
      Posted: 08 Nov 15

      Took the words right out of my mouth! Lol

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    • Gypsy22015 says:
      Posted: 27 Jan 16

      Mosiah, said it like you mean it------- and say it like you see it. I laughed when I read your post because we don't know. Possibilities exist. I like your post.

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    • Jubee8 says:
      Posted: 19 Jun 16

      Couldn't have worded any better than you did !!!

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    • enny4all says:
      Posted: 03 Jul 17


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  20.   Open-mind says:
    Posted: 17 Sep 14

    What people seem to lack understanding about is that someone in your family, even ten generations before, does contribute to your DNA, so their features may come into play in future generations.

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  21.   jana12 says:
    Posted: 03 Aug 14

    I heard a college anthropology professor lecture that according to some anthropologists, there is no such thing as race; there are only physical types. To illustrate, he asked a young woman to come to the front of the class, and to stand next to him. She complied. He then asked the class why they would call him a white man and call her a black female. The entire class sat stunned and silent. The young woman was what people would describe as a "light-skinned African American." She had wavy-textured, sandy brown hair, nearly the same color and texture as that of the professor's. Their features were quite similar. Their skin tones were very, very similar. They looked as if they might have been siblings. The difference was that one was obviously male, the other female. Perhaps there was some slight variation in the undertones (?), but to tell the truth, I'm still scratching my head. As a child I saw an encyclopedia article on "The Races of Man." I recall a depiction of a man from India (or somewhere thereabout) with skin a very deep, black-brown hue categorized as "caucasion." I used to listen to a talk show hosted by Dennis Prager. I once heard him say that, as far as he's concerned, there are only two races -- the decent, and the indecent. I like Prager's take on the issue.

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    • Gypsy22015 says:
      Posted: 27 Jan 16

      Well said Jana. You are highly educated. My ex-husband taught classes under Sociology/ Anthropology (Boston College) and a College here in the South as a college professor. He made those same statements to his students. He and I talked about it too. And I believe I all to be true. Well written jana.

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    • TheMileHigh says:
      Posted: 30 Sep 16

      Arabs with out question did the most breeding in mass and they're pretty neutral they don't sway alot. Now my family depends directly from one of the oldest plantations in Virginia and DNA w/e says I'm around 39% African even though I look super European.

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  22.   Eam60 says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 14

    One of the reasons I went to college and Medical school is to find out the frigin truth about color, race and " I am better than you". What I found out is that we are from the "same gene pool" regardless of what we were TAUGHT and TOLD. We have the same Genetic make up that make US HUMANS. Yes, we might look different, have a different skin color, eye color, etc., but at the end of the day we are still related. Yes, it is 200 percent possible to have a child of a different color with the so called different features to be your biological offspring. In the process of mitosis (cell division, splitting of the cells) a lot of medical stuff can happen. Take a look at your own family and you can see mitosis at work. I am from a family of 6 kids, none of us look alike, we all have different color of brown eyes, different skin color, hair etc. It is very possible for traits to appear in every generation , every other etc. Have you ever wondered why your son or daughter look like your great- grand or your great-great grand parents, uncles and aunts? Your chromosomes have the answer.

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    • enny4all says:
      Posted: 03 Jul 17

      That's not d point,,couple can have a child of any complexion, normal! But not black or white birthing a opposite race...

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  23.   maggical says:
    Posted: 30 Nov 13

    hey do u know that boers are not 100 percent white anything can happen

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  24.   jlove41 says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 13

    There is a movie called "Skin" it's based on the true story of a black girl who was born to two white Afrikaner parents in South Africa during the apartheid era. Incredible, powerful movie that will take you through the emotions of this woman dealing with her skin color. I felt sad and angry for the character. She prevails in the end but the suffering she goes through because she was born into white society with dark skin. If you want to see a true store of the exact issue we are talking about here, then you got see this movie. jlove207

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    • neena206 says:
      Posted: 22 Jun 13

      i love that movie...yes she did prevail at the end and her father loved her so so much. her brother was protective of her also. great movie

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      • Dpost5280 says:
        Posted: 23 Sep 13

        Except I didn't understand why the brother wouldn't talk to her in the end. I think he couldn't fathom, after all the family did to declare her white, that she chose to be "black." It seemed they all felt like they equally were discriminated against, but really didn't understand what she had to endure...

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    • Gypsy22015 says:
      Posted: 28 Jan 16

      Okay jlove41 . I have an interest in seeing this movie. I went and googled it and I have it in my cart at Amazon now after reading your post. Being retired and bored at this time I would enjoy a good home movie. I travel during late Spring and Summer. I hope this is the right movie. It says "SKIN" by Sophie Okonedo, San Neill. Sandra? .... Is it ? I will wait a couple of days for an answer from anyone who knows. Thank you for that post.

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    • Gypsy22015 says:
      Posted: 06 Feb 16

      Well, jlove, thank you for mentioning the movie SKIN. I ordered it and today I watched it. A very nice movie. INTERESTING!!! I honestly enjoyed the movie mainly because the parents were of strong characters in their role. But like the movie said also: black is in our family's veins. It can happen you know/a white couple or whomever can give birth to whatever other birth blood that runs through the veins. . genetics/DNA.....powerful. Good movie. Recommends.

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  25. Posted: 15 Mar 13

    Words hurt more than knives,..Questions and things people say should be checked before being altered..Some people are selfish and can use words to influence anything,even destroy a relationship,.But regardless,no body should breakup cus of words from a family member,I won't be marrying my lady for my parents or friends or whoever,But cus I love...

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  26.   Silverdante says:
    Posted: 06 Feb 13

    Conclusion, Nearly all Americans are mixed in one way or the other. Which makes the fuss over races seem even more pointless than it already is.

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    • BrownPython says:
      Posted: 07 Dec 17

      That is such an obnoxious, progressive shibboleth. Most white Americans are NOT mixed with blacks. We may have originally been black a hundred thousand years ago, but then we mutated our white aesthetics over time and in isolation and now we don't even look remotely the same as blacks do. The fact is that there are overt physical differences between the races and those aesthetic difference will always be relevant. There will always be people not attracted to certain looks and there will always be people who complain that TV shows are "too white" or have "too many fair featured" people. Your comment here is as asinine as it is worthless.

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  27.   TheCJ says:
    Posted: 31 Oct 12

    I'd speculate that at some point in time after the tower of babel we had language changes and along with that in my speculation you get a number of break offs of certain numbers of people which all inter-breed and with a number of factors and tribes moving to different continents you get a distinguishable looking difference as they moved to the outer edge of the gene pool. Perhaps Some of us are merely re-accumulating the original genetic information back to the gene pool which might be healthier too. Also I'd like to mention in numbers Chapter 12 Moses was given an Ethiopian wife and as some of he's family members spoke badly against Moses for it they had gotten smitten with leprosy until they repented. God is not a respector of persons and he's word teaches us that we will be given the same measure of judgement that we give others. The Gospel is to be preached to every creature Mar_16:15; also, I don't believe most of that Darwin crap they teach our kids in school either, which is just another religion that is highly arguable in scientific circles anyways.

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    • pearlygate says:
      Posted: 21 May 16

      Very refreshing reply! Thanks

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    • BrownPython says:
      Posted: 07 Dec 17

      It won't be healthier to mix white with blacks until all the white features we have evolve disappear. That would be a tragic waste of white beauty. The Scandinavians have no need of new genetic diversity. They are healthy and beautiful enough as it is. Introducing more black and Arab genes into their populations will only serve to make them ugly. That's all.

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  28.   raynecloude says:
    Posted: 20 Sep 12

    For anything that thinks she was creeping, check out the movie Skin 2008. It's based on a true story of a black girl born from two white parents during apartheid in Africa. It's not a common occurrence but it definitely happens.

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    • raynecloude says:
      Posted: 20 Sep 12


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      • Silverdante says:
        Posted: 06 Feb 13

        Yeah I saw that movie, sad thing is that she did end up distancing herself from her parents. Cause her parents wanted her to be white so badly, of course she was never accepted in SA during apartheid. Sad story actually.

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  29.   shaggy17 says:
    Posted: 05 Sep 12

    I read a comment n i wana set something straight, if a person is born in America and is of african decent they are not African, they are American, the African americans were the people brought from africa to america, not dissing on them or anything hell abraham lincoln is one of my great grand uncles but the whole racial categorizing thing needs to be thrown out for the sake of not only understanding but respect, one of the great rules about America is that if you're born here you are automatically a native citizen by law no matter what skin color, sure people take advantage of that and it may need to be tweaked a bit to prevent that but the principle still stands n it would move things along faster if race wasnt divided by the past, sure its not as much as it used to be but the fact that it still is today is bullcrap. *now is the part where we all hold hands and sing* lol XD

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    • Eam60 says:
      Posted: 15 Jun 14

      I agree with you shaggy17, i dare some one to call me African American. I was born here in the US. My sister did a geneaology book on our whole family and found relative that were white and Indian...all born her in the US dating back to 1801. All people should stand up for their rights, do not let the ruling class of America put you in a BOX. Applications ask that stupid question...I cross that crap out and put American. My children put Bi-racial.

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      • kalashaayah says:
        Posted: 06 Jul 16

        you guys need to go back and study your history the first people to step foot on this land called america WERE BLACK PEOPLE called OLMECS yesssssss go learn something AFRICANS travelled all around this earth and settling in different parts of the earth then later came the mongoloids now named INDIANS not all black people came to america on slave ships but were already here living peacefully until the indians and the white man came go study man damn yall lost

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    • sokfenah says:
      Posted: 19 Aug 14

      OMG-- about time someone caught on..I have been thinking the same ext thing. I'm not from hear but it is extremely disturbing to refer to ever person of color as African...leave the damn past where it belongs in the past. This country will never have racial harmony as long as, it continues to categorize people by color. If you were born here you are American. If you are naturalize then you can be whatever your Country is and American or just plain naturalize American. We are human beings of various shape size and color, the amount of melanin in one skin should not destine a person to be categorized as inferior... Solution: start a petition to get the racial labels and categories removed permanently form ALL forms census and applications. It would be the first step to once and for all neutralizing the tension and inequality that is still be perpetuated and acknowledging each other for who we are....human beings, Americans....

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  30.   dave_74 says:
    Posted: 28 Jul 12

    This reminds me of a youtube vid about 2 yrs ago about a Nigerian couple in the UK that had a white baby.

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  31.   Lolo says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 12

    People just need to look beyond ethnic, were all humans for goodness sake. So what if a white mother white father black baby or if it's the other way around all children need love. Just raise the child with morals and stability.

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  32.   shotgun007 says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 12

    Instead of this "elaborate" media hoax in an effort to hoodwink everybody....why can't she admit that she got a "little on the side."... End of story..

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    • Gypsy22015 says:
      Posted: 30 Jan 16

      I read your comment and you made me lol. Because possibilities exist. Fun when you say it like you mean it. End of story

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  33.   427skies says:
    Posted: 19 Jun 12

    I don't believe that. I believe that the wife cheated in that "book". Light does not create dark. Dark creates light. The first people were Black and out of them came everyone else. It is impossible for a White couple to have a Black baby without Black input. And I mean significant input. Not a great great great great great great grandparent or something. My grandparents on my dad's side are medium and dark skinned, and my aunt is very pale. They are both dark creating light. Now unless my aunt has children with someone who is much darker than her, she will not have dark skinned children.

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  34.   JRJ64 says:
    Posted: 31 May 12

    My grandmother on my mother side was half white(scottish) her husband was predominantly african and their 14 children were a rainbow of colours from very dark to white with curly hair and blue-grey eyes. My daughter whose father is a very dark brown almost black and my dark chocolate complexion my daughter was born white in colour but with an afro and african features and everyone doubted that he was her father, but thank god he had all the symptoms for the pregnancy and he even knew before me i was pregnant but she did get darker as she got older. To this day all of my mother grand-children are white at birth then change colour as they get older. Just remember God made us in his own image and likeness so to him we all look the same but because of our disobedience to him we see each other as different, get your bible and read about the Tower Of Babel where the difference in "man" really began.

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  35.   Chrisix9 says:
    Posted: 04 May 12

    I would simply get a DNA test. I think my wife would understand my concern if she gave birth to a baby of another race. I mean what more of a clue would a man need. It's one thing if it It doesn’t like me, but if it’s black then I would have to investigate infidelity. I think it is possible for a white woman to give birth to a baby that looks like another race. It depends on what kind of relatives are in her lineage.

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  36. Posted: 15 Feb 12

    I once new a young lady that had straight blond hair and blue eyes and to me looked white but she identified herself as black because her mothers father was black. Her family believed that if you had any black ancestors that you were black. I thought it was wierd. Both her parents looked white to me but when her mother spoke she had a deep tone. The same deep tone that distinguishes a lot of AA. It was amusing. A lot of people who didn't know her parents thought she was just crazy.

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  37.   Root58 says:
    Posted: 27 Nov 11

    In American culture, regardless of how fair skinned someone is on the outside or whatever they may look like on the outside , if it is known that a fair skinned person have African ancestry, then that person is considered black. For example and although Barrack Obama is not that fair skinned, his father was a black African, therefore, Obama is also black. Personally, I think that the mother determines a child's race. To me, whatever the mother's race is, that's the race of the child. In spite of the fact that biologically, the child is the race of both the mother and father. So anyone with a white mother, for example, is not consider black to me.

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    • Robby2u says:
      Posted: 18 Feb 12

      Neosoulistic, I feel where you are coming from on that and understand the others too, but let me add that the races has been mixing for along time now, which means that genetics play a huge roll in the outcome of the child. It is very possible that this can happen when you are looking at a white father that have received a dominant AA gene from his black multi-great grandfather that no one knows about until the baby is born. the white mother thinks she's with a 100% white man because that's the way things look. Then they produce this beautiful dark skinned baby. Now questions are lifted high in the air! On the other hand, if the gene present the aa - which means its a recessive or weak gene look for the baby to come out looking much like the parents or you will not have much color. People have been questioning this theory for years now but lets face it, this is no longer a theory. Im still studing healthcare, God is truly amazing!

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    • Silverdante says:
      Posted: 06 Feb 13

      I think both your theory and the one drop rule are equally retarded, no offense. When will people just understand that labeling anyone as anything is detrimental to their individualism. Yet everyone does it and some even want to be labeled.

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    • Oonee says:
      Posted: 20 Aug 21

      It is like horses.You are what your father is. My niece is Chinese that is what her father is. She went to college as a Chinese student.

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  38.   Valora says:
    Posted: 05 Nov 11

    Race is very fluid. My cousins are br-racial. One looks very white with dark blond kinky hair, bronze skin tones, and somewhat african features. Her little sister is much darker and is usually recognized as black. White people almost never realize her sister is mixed too. And it's led to her being severely insulted a few times. One example, she meets her white boyfriend's family for the first time. The mother says we're so glad that Blank, is going out with you and some black girl. After a moment of stunned silence, she replied actually my father is black and so am I. That relationship disintegrated shortly afterwards.

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  39.   bob4bw says:
    Posted: 03 Oct 11

    This story is from a NOVEL. It is fiction. That doesn't mean it's impossible, but why is everybody posting about this as if it means something?

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    • Silverdante says:
      Posted: 06 Feb 13

      It is simply hilarious that the one person that understands this article, is being thumbed down out of view. LMAO It's like this forum is a mini version of the real world :). Anyway kudos to you man, for actually reading the article correctly!

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  40.   True2Myself says:
    Posted: 03 Oct 11

    This is very true and natural in many families. I have experienced this in my family as well. Our great-great grandfather was a slave owner and did the same thing. We have cousins that turned out to be like that except for the eyes. Scientifically, it is just the way the gene pool chooses to select the DNA strands to make that person. I always tell people to be careful who you choose a prejudice against because you may have some of the same blood in you. For years I always wondered why I was attracted to white men and now I have my answer. Glad things turned out in your family's favor Peace.

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    • Silverdante says:
      Posted: 06 Feb 13

      I find it quite a stretch to atribute your attraction for white men to your grand grand father being white. In that line of reasoning, shouldn't we all be attracted to each other, since if you go back far enough we ALL share the same ancestors? Why can't people just like another race because... well, they just like them?

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  41.   Peace says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 11

    Folks, I am black and my wife is black. We have a baby who was born white--pale skin, blue eyes and all that. I hit the ceiling, accusing my wife to have had an affair with a white man. I pressured for DNA of this child. Well, it turned out, my DNA matched with the DNA of the child. Explanation, I had completed forgotten the story my mother told us that her great-great-great grand father was a white slaver on the Atlantic African coast. Along the line he had a child with one of slave African women. The gene in between the generations became dormant, and it resurfaced on my child. End of the story. I accepted it. From this it is also possible that a white man married to a white woman can have a black baby.

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    • WarmHeart2 says:
      Posted: 06 Oct 12

      I really do not think that it has, absolutely, anything to do with genetics! Just be honest, that is your preference! And good luck to you!!

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    • loyal4lfye says:
      Posted: 07 Dec 15

      It is impossible for two whites to have a black baby. All colors come from black. White means 'without color' Why would you think your wife cheated? Blacks have produced albinos (white ppl) since the beginning of time

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  42. Posted: 10 Aug 11

    Its a shame that in 2011 we all still have to be reminded that we are all people enterwined, the human race only branched out, is why we look different but at the same time similar. And people of color may we be African American, Latin, Native American, Carribean, Middle easteren, south American, even European are all different shades of features from the lightest to the darkest. Even before the civil war ended American slavery-and in most cases afterward as well, we had African American people everywhere in and out the U.S. who look caucasian engaging in the life and opportunities their darkskin relitives and fellow AA's could not because they did not blend in-colorwise. So why is it so surprising? It shouldnt be we all been mixing since the beginning, consensually and against our will - worldwide. Intergrating still happended and is the human race history.

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  43. Posted: 19 Jul 11

    Yes, it is possible... African is the motherland and out of Africa comes many nationalities.. Even the darkest couples can produce a complexion whiter than white..That is Albino.. so is not that possible. What's in those genes will eventually show up in future generations.

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  44.   Gella55 says:
    Posted: 01 Jun 11

    Wow , then am in big trouble if all this is true, that a two whites cant have a black baby ,!!!! the women cheat, first let me say am from JAMAICA ,in the Caribbean my Grant father Caucasian Jewish by the way , grandmother Cuban mix light skin so all my mother sibling light skin curly hair , my father very dark mother gave birth to 8 children mix complexion , I got dad color mom hair . Nine years ago i gave birth to a baby boy Samuel his dad Jewish pale -pale skin guy before he tan he turn red , FYI ,Samuel came out looking 100% white , and he is not albino either , if the lady cheat i left the hospital with the wrong child , NO ONE THINK he is mine , they think I am the nanny ,

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  45. Posted: 29 May 11

    They might try getting their DNA tested. I'd also like to add something about my own lineage. I'm supposed to be Irish/Scotch-Irish on my dad's side, German/Dutch on my mother's. So, why do some people in my family have squinted eyes and high cheek-bones? I grew up in an area where a lot of people havesome Native American in their backgrounds. Parts of my family were supposed to have been amongst early settlers of whom some number were said to have inter-married with local Indians And a question for Kanzan. Although rare, why do a few people have two different colored eyes?

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  46.   traye22 says:
    Posted: 20 Apr 11

    Ok at first when I read the comments I started to agree with others, maybe the mom did cheat, but if DNA testing confirms that the child is indeed by the white father, then we have to listen to what the author said about the mother. We tend to forget that many white skinned African-Americans passed during the late 1800's and early 1900's. The author indicated that Dana doesn't know anything about her family tree and so it possible that she thinks she is white but has some African American DNA in her lineage.

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    • kalashaayah says:
      Posted: 06 Jul 16

      do you really believe the lies smh like really this woman was humping a black man either that or she got artificially simulated

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  47.   ode2you says:
    Posted: 03 Apr 11

    I just read about the nigerian baby. You would think dna on both parents would show some European blood in their backgrounds. Why haven't we been told about that in the articles?

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  48.   Amonkhan says:
    Posted: 07 Mar 11

    PS, it was confirmed via DNA that the Nigerian Baby was not Albino.

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  49.   Amonkhan says:
    Posted: 06 Mar 11

    Ignorance is bliss. Last year in the UK, A Black couple from Nigeria had a totally white baby, down to the blond hair and blue eyes. When they did the DNA check, it was indeed their baby. and now the scientific community is going back to look over their books. Is this how the other races and ethnic groups began? Was there a latent DNA strand that was no longer dormant? We will have to wait and see. We are beginning to see that nothing is impossible, just highly improbable. V/r Amonkhan

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  50.   belle10 says:
    Posted: 06 Mar 11

    Maybe people need to understand that just within the Black race there is so much diversity in features. In Africa alone there are very light-skinned people who have totally no white lineage. It is common to see even within the same family, children having different tones in their skin color, it's all beautiful and no one even thinks it's a big deal.

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