Swirling with Christelyn Karazin

The art of attraction isn't just about colour or creed, it's about chemistry and a whole bunch of other things. Swirling author Christelyn Karazon discusses.

Could Interracial Love End Racism?

Posted by Christelyn, 13 Jun

Georgetown law professor, Sheryl Cashin thinks that interracial love is the cure for racism and white supremacy.

I know; some of you are rolling your eyes.

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But think about it for a second. When Uncle Greg, cousin Suzie, Grandma Betty and Jennifer from down the street are matched with people from another race and/or culture, and those loved ones get invited to the Fourth of July barbecue and everyone has a great time and you realize that Kiesha-Lamont-Su Lin-Donny Chu-Maria-Mario-Sanjit-Harnisha is really cool, you’re going to be less likely to think, “those people.” And when they start having little babies toddling around in diaper bottoms and oozing with cuteness, and reach up their fat little arms for white grandpa, hearts (and racial barriers) tend to melt.

Cashin explains that interracial mingling increases empathy for other races and cultures, and people involved in such unions–or know friends and family who are–are more willing to identify privileges they enjoy that their minority loved ones may not. “They are not dismantling white supremacy so much as chipping away at it,” she says.

“Y-peepo” get something out of it too: “This transition from blindness to sight, from anxiety to familiarity, is a process of acquiring “cultural dexterity.” Love can make people do uncomfortable things, like meeting a black lover’s family and being the only white person in the room. Culturally dexterous people have an enhanced capacity for intimate connections with people outside their own tribe, for recognizing and accepting difference rather than pretending to be colorblind.”

“Intimate contact reduces prejudice.”

But some might bring up a valid point that interracial merges that happened back during state-sanctioned slavery didn’t do much to elicit empathy from the men (and a few women) who dabbled in consensual sex with slaves, so why now? You know, besides that whole pesky human ownership thing.

Hopefully Cashin will address these issues in her upcoming book, Loving: Interracial Intimacy in America and the Threat to White Supremacy.

Christelyn Karazin is the co-author of Swirling: How to Date, Mate and Relate, Mixing Race, Culture and Creed. She also operates the popular blog, Beyond Black & White, and operate the first forum dedicated to black women interested and/or involved in interracial relationships.

12 responses to "Could Interracial Love End Racism?"

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  1.   Tashwon says:
    Posted: 12 May 19

    It won't! How many bi-racial children are in the unites states alone We had Barack for president for eight years what did African American get out of him being president not much, It was more of a gay agenda than anything too me nothing against gay's what did integration do black in the US not too much we are still at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to the economic level and around the world. So my answer is NO!!

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  2.   nbjgytr says:
    Posted: 19 May 18

    Well i believe love can end racism, about interracial? yes but unfortunately it takes only brave people to accept it. what i mean the world has changed so much and it's all thanks to love. That;s why am proud of my country Uganda we are mixed no one cares about racism, it's a free country and peaceful. whenever i move round and see those cute faces around, where black and white walks around holding their cute babies in the meddle, it really gives an awesome impression. how the world could change so much! then no doubt in my mind that interracial love could really end racism.

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  3.   MdeKweole says:
    Posted: 28 Feb 18

    No it does not. Social inclusion want fix all the economic problems that exist in the black community without any redress. At the end of the day white people regardless of thier IR will vote and push for polices that will maintain thier white economic power in America.

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  4.   bonnie63 says:
    Posted: 24 Feb 18

    It's a stupid question. It really is.

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  5.   jaggers1 says:
    Posted: 01 Aug 17

    Simply put No it will not end racism. Just this article and the upcoming book by Cashin shows racism. Both are pushing us to believe that only white people are racist and that in itself shows racism to me. Thinking only white people can be racist as the the title of that upcoming book says or wants people to believe. If you wanna help end racism then quit making everything about race including a book title saying the threat to white supremacy . I apologize but stuff like that just bothers me .

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    • MdeKweole says:
      Posted: 28 Feb 18

      Most things are about race in this country. What you’re speaking of doesn’t account for institutional racism.

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    • Coolms says:
      Posted: 22 Apr 19

      i agree

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  6.   MustLuvFit says:
    Posted: 22 Jun 17

    Well said.

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  7.   Whiplash says:
    Posted: 22 Jun 17

    Short answer to this. No. As long as blacks, whites and various ethnic communities basically stop segregating themselves you'll have racism. There are so many people I know that work in a diverse workforce but 90% of their neighbors are not diverse. Even with a substantial number of Indian neighbors they self-segregate and want nothing to do with their neighbors. I've seen the same thing with Hispanics.

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    • blackbelle01 says:
      Posted: 09 Jul 17

      Whiplash, What you said is so true. Unfortunately we do tend to segregate ourselves. My family is Carribean and America is very different.

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      • MdeKweole says:
        Posted: 28 Feb 18

        Do you guys know what racism is ? I mean really understand the system of white supremacy and institutional racism - it’s not about individual white peoples. Stop reducing it to that. You guys are lost

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        • Tashwon says:
          Posted: 14 May 19

          I agree with you black's didn't segregate themself in this country the institution put us there to maintain the the status quo.

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